October 2013 Horror Calendar

October 2013 Horror Calendar

Saturday, October 12, 2013

AMC Fearfest

The schedule for AMC's Fearfest is up. Check it out: http://www.amctv.com/movie-event/amc-fearfest

It's about the same as it was last year, with the addition of the remake of A Nightmare on Elm Street and the exclusion of Hellraiser. I have no idea why they would play the remake instead of the original, and I don't understand why they're playing Hellraiser III instead of the first one. The first time I saw Hellraiser was on AMC, and I got Doug Bradley (Pinhead) to sign my recorded VHS of it for free, so I have fond memories of watching it during Fearfest.
They also don't always have correct thumbnail pictures to the movies listed next to it (they show an image from the Halloween remake next to Halloween 5, for example). So they're slightly failing this year, in my opinion. But it's still exciting!

Oh, and I found this:


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